Romans 1:18: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

God changes not. God is merciful, not because He is lenient with the sinner, but because Christ died. The gospel has not changed God’s attitude toward sin. The gospel has made it possible to accept the sinner. The sinner must have either the righteousness or the wrath of God. Both are revealed from heaven. 1

There are all kinds of specific acts that can be called ungodly. Certainly the list of deeds that can be placed under the category of unrighteousness is innumerable. Paul doesn’t leave us in the realm of the general; he gets specific. He starts with the general and moves to the particular: who suppress the truth by their wickedness (verse 18). The apostle is saying that there is truth that God has made known about himself to mankind that mankind is suppressing, an action that provokes God to fury. 2


  • Will you ever be facing the wrath of God for all your sins? (Read 2 Cor 5:21)
  • Continuing to disobey the Word of God makes one guilty of suppressing the truth, therefore becoming a fool. Are you faithful or foolish? (Read Romans 1:22)


Lord, I want to know Your truth and obey Your truth, from this day forward.

1. McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (Romans 1-8) (electronic ed., Vol. 42). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
2. Sproul, R. C. (1994). The Gospel of God: An Exposition of Romans. Great Britain: Christian Focus Publications.

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Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg was ordained as a Calvary Chapel pastor in 1985, where he served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Fellowship, in Seattle. In 1992, Pastor Tom, his wife Pam, and their three daughters moved to Bellingham and began a Bible study, which led to the founding of Calvary Chapel Northwest. Tom blogs regularly at