2 Corinthians 10:5–6: Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Many believers today do not realize that the church is involved in warfare, and those who do understand the seriousness of the Christian battle do not always know how to fight the battle. They try to use human methods to defeat demonic forces, and these methods are doomed to fail. When Joshua and his army marched around Jericho for a week, the spectators thought they were mad. When the Jews trusted God and obeyed orders, they brought down the high walls and conquered the enemy (Josh. 6:1–20). We must claim God’s promises to cast down the wrong thinking that is keeping people from surrendering to God. Once the walls in the mind have been torn down, the door to the heart can be opened. 1

Personal Application

  • Read Matthew 16:18. What “rock” is the church built on? Why can we have confidence that the church can never be destroyed by the world or Satan?

Godly Encouragement

  • Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. –Romans 12:16

A Biblical Thought to Share with Others

The power of obedience is greater than the persuasion of disobedience. TWEET IT – TWEET IT

A Prayer to Consider

Lord, teach me how to take every thought captive in obedience to Your written word.

1. Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

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Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg was ordained as a Calvary Chapel pastor in 1985, where he served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Fellowship, in Seattle. In 1992, Pastor Tom, his wife Pam, and their three daughters moved to Bellingham and began a Bible study, which led to the founding of Calvary Chapel Northwest. Tom blogs regularly at TommyBlumberg.com.