FAITH: Comes by Hearing the Word of God

Romans 2:17: Indeed you are called a Jew, and rest on the law, and make your boast in God.

FAITH: Comes by Studying the Word of God

1. The Jews are God’s chosen people.

2. They rely on the law.

3. They brag about their relationship to God. So much different from idols of wood and stone, Israel’s God was their Father. 1

FAITH: Comes by Obeying the Word of God

You, O Lord, are our Father; Our Redeemer from Everlasting is Your name. Isaiah 63:16

Jesus, I am so thankful that Your plan is an everlasting plan, which was in place before the foundation of the world. You had a chosen people and a chosen nation. And yet You also chose me, redeemed me, adopted me, and prepared a place in heaven for me. You have given me such a wonderful advantage as the Bride of Christ, in this present world. I love abiding with You everyday.

FAITH: Comes by Experiencing the Transforming Work of God

To be born again is to be born anew into the family of our Heavenly Father.

FAITH: Comes by Praying with the Word of God

Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 17:8

Dear Father, I will bless You and Your people. I will pray for Israel. I will rejoice, because you are a covenant-keeping God, who loves, leads, and protects me…in Jesus Name. Amen.

1. Holman NT Commentary on Romans.

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Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg was ordained as a Calvary Chapel pastor in 1985, where he served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Fellowship, in Seattle. In 1992, Pastor Tom, his wife Pam, and their three daughters moved to Bellingham and began a Bible study, which led to the founding of Calvary Chapel Northwest. Tom blogs regularly at