FAITH: Comes by Hearing the Word of God

Romans 5:1: Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

FAITH: Comes by Studying the Word of God

The peace Paul is talking about, which he lists as the first benefit of salvation, is “peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is the peace that comes to the soul of one who has trusted Christ as Savior and knows that God no longer has any charge against him, that he is no longer guilty. He knows that God, who had to be against him in the past, is now for him. He knows that he has a salvation that is permanent and eternal. This is the peace that comes because of sins forgiven and because everything is right between you and God. That is wonderful peace! 1

FAITH: Comes by Obeying the Word of God

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Jesus, thank You for being a God of peace, and thank You for bestowing the peace of God. Thank You for Your justifying love that is also a reconciling love. Thank You for taking all the years of my guilty living and forgiving me. When Your judicial hammer hit the judgement stand, Your legal declaration against me was NOT GUILTY! Then You declared me righteous. The heavenly court holds no record of my sins. My soul has received a justifying peace. His peace right now and for all eternity!

FAITH: Comes by Experiencing the Transforming Work of God

The peace of God is for all those who have made peace with God.

FAITH: Comes by Praying with the Word of God

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Dear Father, rule my heart today in the fullness of Your peace…in Jesus Name. Amen.

1. McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (Romans 1-8) (electronic ed., Vol. 42, p. 88). Nashville.

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Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg was ordained as a Calvary Chapel pastor in 1985, where he served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Fellowship, in Seattle. In 1992, Pastor Tom, his wife Pam, and their three daughters moved to Bellingham and began a Bible study, which led to the founding of Calvary Chapel Northwest. Tom blogs regularly at