Godly Encouragement for Daily Living
Are you so foolish?
Having begun in the Spirit,
are you now being made perfect
by the flesh?
Galatians 3:3
A Prayer
Heavenly Father…
Please forgive me for my foolish thinking.
Thank You for reminding me again.
You are at work in me.
Thank You for changing me.
It was You who first loved me.
It was You who died for me.
It was You who sought me.
It was You who forgave all my sins.
It was You who gave me a new life.
It was You who sent Your Holy Spirit to live in me.
It was You who gave me hope and courage.
And it is You who is working in me and through me.
It is not by my power or strength…
But by Your Spirit.
In Jesus Name. Amen.