As a resource for new believers, seasoned Christians, and ministry leaders, Discipleship Living aims to train, to equip, to encourage, and to be a resource for pastors, youth leaders, small groups, and individuals looking to grow in their knowledge, understanding and love for God’s Word.

What DiscipleshipLiving will entail?

The foundation of Discipleship Living has always been–and will continue to be–the Word of God.

Initially started as Bible study through ten books of the Bible, and delivered directly to a subscriber’s inbox each morning, Discipleship Living has been an ongoing ministry that has encouraged believers since January 2012.

While we will continue to deliver daily devotions to a subscriber’s inbox, we will be expanding our scope to include resources covering relationships, leadership, discipleship, and practical Christian living, to name a few.

Connect with us

First and foremost, we hope you’ll join us as we launch a brand new study starting tomorrow. If you have not already done so, please subscribe to Discipleship Living today.

Secondly, if you are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we invite you to connect with us there as we seek to provide you with encouragement throughout your day or week.

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Discipleship Living

Discipleship Living

Discipleship Living is a resource ministry for pastors, youth leaders, small groups, and individuals desiring to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and love of God's Word.