FAITH: Comes by Hearing the Word of God
Romans 1:18: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
FAITH: Comes by Studying the Word of God
This suppression of the truth is not passive. It carries the idea of holding something down. This is much like the little boy who smuggled his dog into his room to spend the night. When he heard his parents coming, he put the dog in his toy box and sat on the lid, then tried to talk to his parents while ignoring the repeated thump of his poor pet. The idea of suppression, is continual and aggressive striving against the truth. Paul opens our eyes to the fact that all who are without Christ are in the constant process of holding down the truth and are subject to God’s abiding anger. There are no exceptions! This is as true in the darkest Pacific jungle as in our concrete forests! 1
FAITH: Comes by Obeying the Word of God
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith…having their own conscience seared with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:1–2
Jesus, thank You for the constant revelation of Your truth in Your creation, on Your cross, and in my conscience. Please forgive me for suppressing these revelations and for justifying my ungodly thoughts and actions. I am accountable before You at this very moment and for every moment from now through eternity. May I live with a holy sobriety of Your abiding presence and may I never depart from faithfully trusting You.
FAITH: Comes by Experiencing the Transforming Work of God
Suppressing the truth is very untruthful. – TWEET IT
FAITH: Comes by Praying with the Word of God
They did not like to retain God in their knowledge. Romans 1:28
Dear Father, I come before You in brokenness. Please forgive me for resisting Your Spirit of Truth. Fill my mind with the knowledge of You, alone…in Jesus’ name. Amen.
1. Hughes, R. K. (1991). Romans: righteousness from heaven (p. 33). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.