The Life and Ministry of Jesus

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

“Give us this day our daily bread.” This is the first of the four petitions more immediately relating to the supply of our own needs, in which we can clearly discern an implied reference to each of the Persons in the blessed Trinity. Our temporal wants are supplied by the kindness of the Father; our sins are forgiven through the mediation of the Son; we are preserved from temptation and delivered from evil by the gracious operations of the Holy Spirit.

By asking for our “daily bread” a tacit acknowledgment is made that “in Adam and by our own sins we have forfeited our right to all the outward blessings of this life, and deserve to be wholly deprived of them by God. But now we pray for ourselves and others that they and we, waiting upon the providence of God from day to day, in, may of His free gift, and as His Fatherly wisdom shall deem best, enjoy a competent portion of them, and have the same continued and blessed unto us in our holy and comfortable use of them and contentment in them.” 1

Personal Encouragement

Be thankful always, for everything. For the Lord extends your very next breath and everything else you need, day by day. He blesses your dependency upon Him and Your thankfulness towards Him. Ask and receive your “daily bread” from Him.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Depending upon His daily provisions should be our daily prayer.

A Prayer

Lord, thank You for Your continual commitment to take care of me.

1. Pink, A. W. (2005). An exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

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The Life and Ministry of Jesus

Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg

Tommy Blumberg was ordained as a Calvary Chapel pastor in 1985, where he served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Fellowship, in Seattle. In 1992, Pastor Tom, his wife Pam, and their three daughters moved to Bellingham and began a Bible study, which led to the founding of Calvary Chapel Northwest. Tom blogs regularly at